Designing an energy-efficient basement in your home will noticeably save you from the burden of paying huge electricity bills every month! But there are numerous other benefits of renovating your basement into an energy-efficient one. Various elements determine the type of energy-efficient renovation you should embrace. For this reason, we have compiled our expertise and highlighted the benefits of building an eco-friendly basement and the factors you should consider. Read up to the end to learn how to turn your current basement into an energy-efficient one.
By building an energy-efficient basement, you join the ongoing conservation and preservation campaigns for a sustainable world. Besides, you will enjoy several lifestyle benefits. Using energy-efficient devices and green materials will enable you to save a good amount of dollars on your electricity bills. How much money can I save? Averagely, an insulated basement will save you $300-500 per year on top of the environmental benefits that accompany it.
Furthermore, upgrading to an energy-efficient basement means creating a safer habitat for a healthy and sustainable life. Mould and mildew are health concerns often found in poorly maintained basements. Many Canadians experience respiratory problems because of exposure to mould and mildew. Upgrading to an energy-efficient basement eliminates moisture from your house, which causes the growth of mould and mildew.
It is advisable to insulate your basement walls with thick, high-density materials. To prevent the growth of mould and panel rotting, use non-toxic insulation materials. Some basement renovation contractors use wood and metal framing to insulate basement walls, but we don’t recommend that since it will eventually lead to damp conditions.
You also need to address air leaks to create an environmentally safe basement. Most homeowners leave big openings in their basements or attics, allowing outside air to enter and heat to escape easily from their houses. It is advisable to seal those openings to improve your house’s energy efficiency.
For most homeowners, basement renovation is an afterthought, and they often invest in low-grade windows. Such windows are not even economically intensify since they let cold drafts enter the room and heat escape easily. Did you know that you can install thermopane glass and have 100% vinyl frames? Most windows are made of wood or metal that encourage rusting and mould growth. Therefore, try other options if you are tired of rust and mould.
Creating a warm basement floor is essential, especially when you spend much of your time in the basement. Just 1% of a house’s energy is lost via the basement floor, making it not as advantageous as building insulated walls. But it is still vital to construct high-quality floors to prevent rotting by introducing an insulated subfloor.
The subfloor acts as a thermal barrier between the cold concrete and the upper surface, resulting in a warm floor temperature for occupants and materials. Additionally, the subfloor prevents the growth of mould and mildew in the basement.
Below are three primary energy-saving tips for making your basement energy-efficient.
Installing an energy-efficient lighting system : There is minimal natural light in basements as they are partially underground. Therefore, you should install a good number of fluorescent bulbs to light it up nicely.
Upgrading your electronic devices : Most homeowners put their old fridges and washings machines in the basement. Though these appliances may still function, they are not energy-efficient. Therefore, it is advisable to upgrade to an Energy Star Washing Machine and a low-flow option toilet. Though these are expensive upgrades, you will start saving on energy bills immediately.
Investing in an energy star dehumidifier : Energy Star dehumidifiers consume less energy to remove excess moisture from the basement. Upgrading from the standard dehumidifiers to Energy Star dehumidifiers will help you enjoy a warm environment while saving energy bills.
While the cost of creating an energy-efficient basement might scare some homeowners from trying it, its short-term and long-term benefits outweigh the initial costs.
At Assured Basements, the leading basement contractors in Toronto, we have established innovative techniques to handle complexities homeowners. If you are looking to upgrade to an energy-efficient basement, schedule a free consultation with one of our experts today .
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